not always mean sexy
tight fitting clothes does not make you sexy. You can wear a flowing dress, a
loose top or pants and still feel and look sexy.” Tight” sometimes looks trashy
[no offence]. This also does not mean that you should not wear well fitting
clothes, just make sure that they are not in smaller sizes than you wear and
they fit your body shape and type. Remember that tight clothes may bring out unnecessary
and may cause over consciousness when you wear outfits. So ladies! Get rid of ‘em undersize, ill-fitting and trashy looking clothes that give all d wrong signals and attract the wrong attention, they do not define your sexy. You are sexy and i know that you know that you know it!
and may cause over consciousness when you wear outfits. So ladies! Get rid of ‘em undersize, ill-fitting and trashy looking clothes that give all d wrong signals and attract the wrong attention, they do not define your sexy. You are sexy and i know that you know that you know it!